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authCodestringAuthorization code for transferring the Domain
createdAtstringDate and time when this domain was created
deletedAtstringDate and time when this domain was deleted
domainstringName of the domain
domainIdnumberUnique identifier for this Domain
expirationProtectedbooleanWhether or not the domain is protected from expiration
expiresstringDate and time when this domain will expire
holdRegistrarbooleanWhether or not the domain is on-hold by the registrar
lockedbooleanWhether or not the domain is locked to prevent transfers
nameServersarrayFully-qualified domain names for DNS servers
privacybooleanWhether or not the domain has privacy protection
renewAutobooleanWhether or not the domain is configured to automatically renew
renewDeadlinestringDate the domain must renew on
statusstringProcessing status of the domain
ACTIVE - All is well
AWAITING - System is waiting for the end-user to complete an action
- Domain has been cancelled, and may or may not be reclaimable
CONFISCATED - Domain has been confiscated, usually for abuse, chargeback, or fraud
DISABLED - Domain has been disabled
- Domain has been excluded from Firehose registration
EXPIRED - Domain has expired
- Domain has failed a required action, and the system is no longer retrying
HELD - Domain has been placed on hold, and likely requires intervention from Support
- Domain has been locked, and likely requires intervention from Support
PARKED - Domain has been parked, and likely requires intervention from Support
- Domain is working its way through an automated workflow
RESERVED - Domain is reserved, and likely requires intervention from Support
REVERTED - Domain has been reverted, and likely requires intervention from Support
- Domain has been suspended, and likely requires intervention from Support
TRANSFERRED - Domain has been transferred out
UNKNOWN - Domain is in an unknown state
- Domain has been unlocked, and likely requires intervention from Support
UNPARKED - Domain has been unparked, and likely requires intervention from Support
- Domain ownership has been transferred to another account
subaccountIdstringReseller subaccount shopperid who can manage the domain
transferProtectedbooleanWhether or not the domain is protected from transfer


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTdomainRetrieve details for the specified Domain
listSELECTRetrieve a list of Domains for the specified Shopper
cancelEXECdomainCancel a purchased domain
cancel_privacyEXECdomainSubmit a privacy cancellation request for the given domain
contacts_validateEXECdata__domainsAll contacts specified in request will be validated against all domains specifed in "domains". As an alternative, you can also pass in tlds, with the exception of uk, which requires full domain names
purchaseEXECdata__consent, data__domainPurchase and register the specified Domain
purchase_privacyEXECdomain, data__consentPurchase privacy for a specified domain
renewEXECdomainRenew the specified Domain
transfer_inEXECdomain, data__authCode, data__consentPurchase and start or restart transfer process
updateEXECdomainUpdate details for the specified Domain
update_contactsEXECdomain, data__contactRegistrantUpdate domain
validateEXECdata__consent, data__domainValidate the request body using the Domain Purchase Schema for the specified TLD
verify_emailEXECdomainRe-send Contact E-mail Verification for specified Domain